Big Red I
Big Red I

acrylic, on canvas, 36”x 36”

Big Red II
Big Red II

acrylic, on canvas, 36”x 36”

Beneath the Fire
Beneath the Fire

acrylic, on canvas, 36”x 36”

Daring the Line
Daring the Line

acrylic, on canvas, 18” x 22”

Flying Above You
Flying Above You

acrylic ink, chalk on canvas, 24” x 24”

A Brief Moment
A Brief Moment

acrylic ink, chalk on canvas, 30" x 30"

Big Red I
Big Red II
Beneath the Fire
Daring the Line
Flying Above You
A Brief Moment
Big Red I

acrylic, on canvas, 36”x 36”

Big Red II

acrylic, on canvas, 36”x 36”

Beneath the Fire

acrylic, on canvas, 36”x 36”

Daring the Line

acrylic, on canvas, 18” x 22”

Flying Above You

acrylic ink, chalk on canvas, 24” x 24”

A Brief Moment

acrylic ink, chalk on canvas, 30" x 30"

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